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Shungit rubble 10-20 mm, 1 kg

Šungitová drť 10 - 20 mm, 1 kg
List Number: R14163
Warranty:ilustrační foto
Price:300,00 Kč
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300,00 Kč
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Shungite rubble

size 10-20 mm

  • suitable for a jug of water as a filter

Shungit water

  • natural drink, that you get from regular tap water without any complicated procedures and costs

Shungite has medicinal properties. Transforms the water to be biologically active.

Water with energoinformative matrix of shungite helps operate all the biological structures of the organism without suppressing healthy cells.

Fullerene is the most powerful and long-acting antioxidant and also universal sorbent. Shungites ability to purify water from harmful ingredients really has no equal. It can simultaneously deliver (beneficial for organism) trace elements and macro elements and absorbing harmful.

Shungite pulp will withstand you for about 3-6 months, then reduce the cleaning power and needs to be replaced. Stones can be used as a drainage in pots, for outdoor plants, or stir for fish to the aquarium.

Preparation of shungite water »

Šungitová drť 10 - 20 mm, 1 kg
Šungitová drť 1 kg
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