Place the pyramid on the table, precisely align side by compass and stand on its northern side.
Put your hand onthe table so thatthepyramidandspreadyourfingerswerea maximum distance of1 centimeter.Lookdirectly at the surfacein front of you.Try to imagine, how from the top of the pyramid acts pulsating beam, that penetrates deep into your body to the sick organ.
If the heat, coming from the pyramid, you not feel, place your left hand on the surface of the pyramid and the right to diseased area of the body.Between you and the pyramid creates a direct contact. You begin to draw energy, that cleans your blocked energy pathways.
Breathecalmly, rhythmically.
If there isan uneasy feelingimmediatelyyou finishwork.
To achievean optimum resultis usually needed10-20 minutes.
It is the best to work with a pyramid in the morning an hour after breakfast or evening hours to 19 hours. Later on you this dose stimulating pyramidal power to operate so, that you spend a sleepless night.
Method 2
Sit by the Earth's magnetic field - place so, that the head pointing north and south legs.
Pyramid place directly on the sore spot.The wallsof the pyramidmustalso bepreciselyorientedto the cardinal points.
You can also usesmallpyramidsandputthem onbioactivepoints, which are recommendedfor the treatment ofa particulardisease.
Pyramidsare built onthesebioactivepoints in20minutes to 2 hoursonce a day.