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Buddha - kind - kopie
63,64 zł
Buddha - kopie
63,64 zł
Buddha / 2 - kopie
80,00 zł

Buddha - Kopfl

Buddha - kind - kopie
Katalognummer: R245992
Garantie:ilustrační foto
Preis:63,64 zł
Auf Lager
63,64 zł
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Buddha head

The figurine of the shungite removes the effect of electromagnetic smog and geopathic zones and at the same time it can be used as decoration of the interior.

The figurine is made of shungite chips (80%) with the addition of a binder composition on the base from shungite.

Height: 85 mm

what is shungite »

Buddha - kind - kopie
Buddha - kind - kopie
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Straffende Balsammaske für das Haar mit Antioxidantien
Vorübergehend nicht verfügbar
38,18 zł
Extract made from shungite water. It contains a combination of herbs, a complex of amino acids and antioxidants.
Schungit Pyramide poliert 9x9 cm
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177,82 zł
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Pyramid of shungite is beautiful and healing gift.
Schungit hängende Blume des Lebens Runde
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23,27 zł
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Shungit pendant protects against negative influences, harmonizes, adds confidence, strength and vitality.
Schungit Elite größeres Stück 106 g
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462,55 zł
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Elite Shungite - unworked stone is popular as a talisman or amulet. YOU BUY WHAT YOU SEE. 76 x 52 x 43 mm.
8,54 EUR / St.
Schungit Pyramide poliert 4x4 cm (2 Stk)
Auf Lager
74,55 zł
in den Warenkorb
Pyramid of shungit as protection against electrosmog.
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