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Price: 0,00 Kč
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Shungite Elite pieces standard - 20 g

Šungit ellite kousky - 20 g
List Number: R15326
Warranty:ilustrační foto
Price:269,00 Kč
Temporarily unavailable
269,00 Kč
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The elite shungite

Just put in a glass of water and drink the water the next day:

  • more mineralized
  • with healing properties - a high content of fullerenes
  • structured energy
  • free of viruses and dangerous cells
  • with strong antioxidant and anti bactericidal effects

Very simple preparation of shungite water »

Packing:  10 g ( per 1/2 liter of water = 1 person per 1 day)

                 20 g ( per 1 liter of water = 2 people per 1 day)

            in the bag : 5 to 10 pieces, the pieces are 1x1 to  2x2 cm

Šungit ellite kousky - 20 g
Šungit ellite kousky - 20 g
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